School-and it's social scene
Technically, you're at school to learn (and to be fair, it does involve a lot of books). However, realistically, you're getting an education in more than just math, social studies and language arts. Your also learning how to interact socially with other people your age, from
your area, and with similar interests.
You just aren't graded on that part.
For decades, junior high and high school have offered teens a unique experience, dealing with an enclosed social scene. You work,play, and
interact with your classmates on a
daily basis.
Which type are you?
Individuals are all diverse, unique and wonderful human beings.
Well, most of the time. The school social scene often involves a few familiar characters. And maybe people identify you as one (or more). Sure, there are some unfortunate personality The Cafeteria Fight Starter and The Girl Who Glares At You All The Time Because She Clearly Doesn't Have the Confidence or Artistic Vision to Respect Your Bold and Creative Fashion Choices. But there are a lot of great girls in the mix, too. Do any of theses descriptions sound familiar ( or possibly identical to your yearbook profile)? No shame, people, no shame. There is nothing wrong with being a band geek or an athlete!
The Jock
What you know: She leads the cross country team in fall and rocks soccer and softball in spring (and plays every other sport in the months in between).
She's who you'd call if you ever needed coaching; an extra intramural team member; someone to lift a car.
What you don't know: Don't dismiss the Jock as all brawn and no brains. Remember, the brain's a muscle, too. She may be strong, but she's no simple stereotype.
The Trendsetter
What you know: Her hair is always styled with an accessory you'd never though of using. Her outfits are so cutting edge you couldn't copy them if you tried. She knew that jeggings were before denim did.
Due to her quirky and inventive sense of style, she's got the latest looks before they hit the runways. You would call her a fashionista-
but she made up that word before you even knew it.
What you don't know:Fashion may not be everything to this creative chica; her other interests are often more diverse than she lets on.
The Studying Star
What you know:The inside of her locker door is covered in notes; her backpack is stuffed with books-some of which she reads
for fun!- and her calendar is filled with study group dates. She's seriouse, and she's also your best bet for a tutor, should you need one at any point.
What you don't know:Despite the fact she's ultra focused on nailing the top grade, don't assume the Studying Star is all work and no play. Once the SAT's are over, she just my transition into class clown.
The Drama Queen
What you know:But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? Why it's the Drama Queen-and every move she makes is theatrical.She's the star of every school play and sings her heart out in the spring musical, but she's not above chipping in a performance for the annual variety show, too.
What you don't know:Just because you don't dig live theater dosen't mean you need to EXIT, STAGE LEFT. The drama queen often has friends who don't love auditioning, performing, or anything acting-related, at all.
The Green Girl
What you know:She's ecofriendly. She wears free-trade fashions and never touches food that isn't organic. She doesn't just recycle
- she got the entire school to recycle. (Unfortunately, the school wide program did not include recycling paper your last algebra test was sprinted on before you had to take it. But you'll ace it next time.) Your school should be proud to call this sustainable, sassy a student. She's keeping it real and using recyclable materials, everyday. (Your welcome Earth)
What you don't know:She may be serious about being ecologically conscious-but that doesn't mean she's too serious to have some fun. The Green Girl loves having a few laughs just as much as you do.
The Tech Genius
What you know:You just bought the latest electronic gaget. She's one who can show you how to use it.Computer crash problems? she can fix your worst hard drive issues in 15 minutes. For the love of gigabytes, she built a computer out of pencils and sticks
for fun! Some people have the gift of gab. She's got the gift of getting technology in a way that's both amazing and helpful. Go Tech Genius!
What you don't know: Just because she's most comfortable in front of a computer screen doesn't mean the Tech Genius always wants to fly solo. She craves time with her friends just like the rest of us do.